On November 18th 2017 in Ashland, KY. former Major Leaguer and SF Giant Johnnie LeMaster held a fund raiser at KC Diamond for his Ashland Paul Blazer Baseball team…
Among the guests were Major League umpire Greg Gibson, former Major League pitcher Drew Hall and myself…John has always been a great contributor to his community, youth and Church…John has always had the gift of being a successful Coach and teacher of young people…
He has put on highly successful camps and clinics along with inviting some other major league players and his own staff who are very qualified…He has always had the support of the schools and community…
John is a humble and spiritual man who demands discipline and respect in his camps…He likes to be in the background and low key…No one leaves there without learning something…
When John calls a player or MLB official, they come…
Because John is quality and you can be sure his events are as well…